Students Complete Vibrant “Ramily Mural” at DHS

On a third-floor hallway at Deering High School a new mural contains a series of cartoon-like creatures with a big purple ram – the school’s mascot – in the middle. Tenth graders Phat and Issac created the art work they call the “Ramily Mural” with their Painting for a Purpose grant.

These students noted that the art already displayed at school was almost exclusively influenced by European realism styles. Phat and Issac chose to celebrate the diversity of creativity at DHS by appealing to other students for their ideas and artistic feedback and incorporating these into their contemporary wall art.

The final expression shows “how truly special this school is,” they wrote. Phat and Issac say that they improved as artists, expanding their understanding of color theory and shading. They also enjoyed sharing their enthusiasm for their school and art.

  • Phat Thai and Isaac Zelonish

  • Adult Ally: Emily Serway

  • Grant Award: $395.11


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