King Middle School Hallways Get “Greenified”

This year, a group of 8th graders at King Middle School set out to "greenify" their school’s common spaces by installing beautiful, living plants. Painting for a Purpose provided funding to initiate this project, underwriting the expenses for potting soil, planters, hanging plants and large indoor specimens.

The students say this project changed not only how King looks, but how it feels to the delight of the entire school community and visitors. As an educational bonus, the green additions will provide classrooms with a chance to observe plant processes at work.

A recent study from the University of Leeds highlighted the importance of nature literacy for young people’s future career endeavors. Eco-literacy, the report advocated, “must become a core skill for various professionals from planners, engineers, architects and educators as much as it does to farmers, foresters and fishermen.”

  • Students: Jose Mendez-Ramos, Jason Schneller, Ethan Kingsbury, Maggie Weeks, Nelson Augustino, Zev Heiden

  • Adult Ally: Michaela Jenkins

  • Grant Award: $500


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