For Those We Lost: COVID-19 Memorial Mural Complete

At Deering High School, upperclassman Henry finished a mural started during the beginning of the pandemic. The completed project showcases a white bird amidst a black floral backdrop, with the words “In memory of those we lost in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Henry reflected that the coronavirus emergency has shaped his adolescence and altered his high school experience. To date, the pandemic had caused more than 6.9 million confirmed deaths and sickened another 767.3 million people, according to Wikipedia.

 His goal in creating the memorial, he said, was to honor those we lost and to help other students pause and acknowledge the many losses and realities of this global public health crisis, one of the deadliest in human history. During the process, Henry said he also learned about painting techniques and what adaptations to make for the textured wall surface.

  • Henry

  • Adult Ally: Ian Mclean

  • Grant Award: $122


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