Mini Libraries Built to Give Mainers Access to More Stories

Students at PATHS noticed a need for a designated space for books about diversity and inclusion, to send to schools and community centers. They built portable libraries with the intention of featuring books that promote acceptance. Expanding expectations and understandings of the stories of those around us can make for more compassionate, caring individuals. Their design was inspired by Lincoln Logs, the childhood toy with re-arrangeable notched logs. Once these libraries get released into the community, they hope that many people will be positively impacted. From their reflection, “We helped people explain to other people what it is like to not be born in Maine.”

Check out this video sent to us by the students in their final reflection:

  • Students: Allie Nichols and Isaiah Casey

  • Adult Advisor: Jill Irving (PATHS Woodworking Instructor)

  • Grant award amount: $487


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