Student Aims to End Consumption of Octopus: “Three Hearts, Nine Brains”

Ava brought awareness to students at Casco Bay High School, advocating for human empathy towards animals. Using the octopus as her focus, she printed T-shirts sharing the words “Three Hearts, Nine Brains. Stop the use and consumption of octopus”. Her shirts sold out quickly and her plea to people to think twice before eating octopus is worn by students around Portland. The proceeds from her shirts went towards support octopus conservation. Ava created a QR code at the back of the t-shirts that leads viewers to her website with educational resources, a pledge to stop eating octopus, and researched writing from Ava. Check it out here.

“At school, I'm well known as the octopus girl and the fact that this issue is even known about makes me feel like I’ve broadened people's minds and challenged people to think twice. Even just writing this makes my heart swell with passion and so knowing that I have gotten people to feel the same is more than enough for me.”

  • Student: Ava Sylvester

  • Adult Advisor: CC Robinson (CBHS English Teacher)

  • Grant amount: $500


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