“Change Your Shorts to Change Your Mind”, Student Advocates for More Teens Getting Outdoors

Concerned about lack of teen exposure and time in natural outdoor spaces, Freya produced shorts with BACKCOUNTRY printed on the back. The proceeds were donated to Portland Trails, a nonprofit urban land trust that aims to transform Greater Portland into a healthier and better-connected community through a 70+ mile trail network. While she aimed to get students out and enjoying the beautiful outdoors, she also developed skills managing a small fundraising effort on her own. “I learned,” she said, “how to communicate with someone I wish to sell a product to, and I learned how to be methodical in how I handle large amounts of money.”. 

Student: Freya Bampton

Adult Advisor: CC Robinson (CBHS English Teacher)

Grant amount: $500


Student Makes Plea for Climate Change Action: “Animal Lives Matter”


2 grants awarded in a Collective Effort to Revamp the Music Room