Student Makes Plea for Climate Change Action: “Animal Lives Matter”

At Casco Bay High School, Rexy set out to create posters and a presentation of the effects of climate change on animals. High school peers were able to watch the presentation and learn more about quality of life and survival rates for animal species that have been impacted by planet-wide climate change.

According to the IFAW, an international animal rights watch group, the world’s wildlife and habitats are facing profound, sometimes catastrophic, changes as global temperatures continue to increase, triggering the collapse of fragile ecosystems and huge waves of extinction. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s scientists state there are 1,300 endangered or threatened species, there are more than 1,300 endangered or threatened species in the United States today.

  • Student: Rexy 

  • Adult Advisor: CC Robinson (CBHS English Teacher)

  • Grant amount: $140


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