Senior Develops a Zine,“Transitional Handguide for Seniors”

Heading off to college? Traveling for a gap year? Worried about how to manage your money? Sasha imagined there was a need for some hometown support for post high school life and won a grant to create a zine for the graduates of the class of 2022. The guide addresses needs and concerns that classmates identified as potential challenges on the road ahead.Sa

Sasha received Painting for a Purpose funding for creating a printed zine. Zines are homemade, non-commercial publications that dedicate themselves to a particular subject matter. Given the challenging past few years of adapting to COVID, Sasha wanted to try and combat all of the future unknowns and provide a resource for peers, and potentially future generations of graduates. “I will be creating a zine for the students of the class of 2022 to take with them after graduation. This piece of art will be a compilation of various topics students have identified as areas of concern/interest.” Sasha collected research and identified subject themes among the senior class. The areas of concern for graduating seniors included safety & consent, financial support, friendships/roommates, mental health, substance abuse, and exercise.

  • Student: Sasha Saedan

  • Adult Advisor: Stephanie Doyle (College and Career Transition Coordinator at Casco Bay High School)

  • Grant Amount: $500


2 grants awarded in a Collective Effort to Revamp the Music Room